Trainer vacancies
In Front of the Class and Behind the Scenes
As one of the top providers of professional and business English Language Training in Germany, we are always on the look out for enthusiastic CELTA trainers, be they new to the profession or highly experienced. The reputation for quality which we have built up over the last twenty years has to a large degree been due to our selection and recruitment policy.
We recruit both directly from the UK as well as locally. We offer help in finding accomodation. There is a full induction programme and a basic grounding in EFL for inexperienced trainers as well as an ongoing workshop programme for all trainers leading to the LCCI FTBE qualification (Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English). Trainers work for Stevens English Training on the basis of a full-time contract of employment with a guaranteed minimum salary. Trainers coming from UK also enjoy tax benefits.
As our requirements are constantly changing, we ask you to check below to see our current requirements for the various branches.
Current vacancies: English and German Trainers for our branch in Essen or online.
If you would be interested in finding out more about working as a trainer for Stevens English Training we would welcome your application by email.